On the target machine, do the following (administrator rights assumed): 1. If the Matlab Component Runtime machine (version 7.8) is not yet available on your PC unzip MCRInstaller.zip and install the MCR by running the MCRInstaller in a directory, for example, C:\tmp. 2. Unzip dtrn.zip and copy VQ_DTRN.exe, cassini791.dat, and DTRN.bat to your application root directory, for example, C:\Program Files\DTRN. 3. Add the following directory to your system path: C:\Program Files\Matlab\Matlab Compiler\v78\runtime\win32 (Note that on Windows XP, this directory is automatically added to your path, provided that you have administrator rights.) 4. Test the component by executing DTRN.bat. The data file cassini791.dat is included as an example. Replace the default setting of the vigilance parameter (10.0) in the execution statement of the DTRN.bat file by smaller values (5, 1, .5) and watch what happens.