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Learning objectives and basic market characteristics

You'll have to analyze consumers' brand perceptions and preferences to develop joint segmentation/positioning strategies. The Artificial Market consists of 300 consumers. Each of four companies offers one product brand. Your Firm (#1) competes with two mass marketers (Firms #2 and #3) and one firm (#4) practising selective market operation by tailoring the profile of their brand #4 to each market segment. You share the market knowledge with your three competitors. (In the game they are autonomous agents doing their own segmentation analysis and market diagnostics.) Each firm has access to the same data and its exploitation depends on the quality of marketing intelligence. Note that SimSeg is different from strategy games like, say, Markstrat, where you are provided all the diagnstics you require and can affford to buy. Here you aren't just a policy maker but also your own analyst. SimSeg is particularly intended to be used by individuals or groups studying Management Science.

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