Having unzipped the psom.zip and the mrinstaller.zip files into a directory, say C:\temp, do the following: 1. If not yet available on your machine install the Matlab Runtime Machine v7.8 by running the MCRInstaller in the C:\temp directory. You must have administrator rights. Depending on your Windows system you may have to extend your search path manually. MCRInstaller suggests the pathname which you may change (e.g. C:\Program Files\Matlab\Matlab Compiler\v78\runtime\win32). (Note that on Windows XP or Vista the installation target directory is automatically added to your path). 2. Make an application directory (for example C:\Program Files\psom) and move PSOM.exe, the cassini.dat, and the XX2000.dat files to this application root directory. 3. Test the component by running PSOM.exe. Follow the dialog and use one of the two dat-files with Euclidean metric (input 'euc' or just hit the enter key when prompted) for demo purposes. Both demo files contain two-dimensional data that allow you to watch the PSOM training.